Snow is No Fun Alone

Coming from a tropical country, conversations with my friends run the range between “Hey, it’s hotter than usual today” or “The rain never stopped today, what a bummer” or to put it in the local slang, “Wah seh, today the weather damn hot sia”. Snow is never part of this daily ruminations over the weather changes here in Singapore.

And so, like any typical person who does not regularly come in contact with snow, it means only one thing for me – playtime!

I know, I know, it’s different when you live with snow for months at end but hey, I get to live under the hot, humid and sweltering sun for months at end too! Playing with snow in the cold weather is an awesome escape for me.

So it’s all fun and laughter but I soon learnt that snow is best enjoyed with company.

Sledding is more fun when you get to take proof shots..

Sledding is more fun when you get to take proof shots..

Alone, it is awkward to explain to the kids queuing behind you that yes, I am indeed pushing myself off that slope and down all for my own enjoyment.

It also does not help to be stopped from going down with everyone else because I just happened to choose a spot dangerously close to the barriers set up. As a consolation, everyone else was held back to allow me the pleasure of sledding down the slope all by myself.

Imagine that, a whole slope at my disposal while the whole group of adults and children watch and await my descent to the bottom. That was so fun and definitely not awkward…right??

Alone, just climbing up that slope by yourself seems to take so much more effort than with others.


Looks can be deceiving! My nemesis – the slope (and the kids!)

Alone, you would not have captured moments like this…

snow in japan

When you are knee deep and stuck in snow, nothing to do but to take a proof shot first!

Oh well, can you guess which photos are from my solo fun with snow? (*hint* I’m not in them…;))

snowman in japan

Do you think it’s more fun to play with snow alone? Please do share, I would love to hear your stories! 😉  

41 thoughts on “Snow is No Fun Alone

      • We rarely get snow too. When we do we go CRAZY, make snow cones, snow men, slop around in it for all of about an hour, then it dries up. If we get it for a whole day that’s a HUGE storm. Yeah, snow is a special treat for us too. So much for living in California, lol.

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    • Oh yes, I’ve heard of california’s weather…Unfortunately the weather here runs from a torrential downpour, sometimes all in one day..haha! Enjoy the good weather on your side and hope it stays that way for you! 🙂

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  1. I think it still looks fun!

    I love that you borrowed that snowman for photos! haha. When I was little, we were playing in the snow at a park and a local news crew filmed us with a snowman. We told them it wasn’t ours, but they didn’t care. So we were on TV and all our friends at school thought we were badass snowman-builders.


    • Sure but it’s much more fun with others…hahaha…

      And I get that too! That snowman has been stealing my limelight here and I didn’t even have a hand in it! Haha!


  2. Hi Sha! I agree with you. Living in a tropical country from the Southeast Asian region, snow is a dream for us. It’s more fun if your friends were around to play. I’m glad you found time to keep yourself busy and enjoyed snow activities even you were alone. Now that I live in Canada, I miss Singapore’s sunny weather lah 🙂 – Kai


    • Lol, believe me – the weather here is pretty crazy nowadays…it runs between hot, humid and cold and raining in the same day! The past few days has been pretty hazy too so not much outdoor activities for me for now…I do miss winter in times like these…haha…:)


      • Sun and rain are better than snow 😀 Take care and prepare your face mask in case the air quality worsens. Don’t forget to invite your friends on your next winter travel. You can make your own Olaf and someone will be able to capture you making snow angels 🙂


      • Haha…oh yes! And snow fights! I can’t do that alone too unless I purposely go around bombing strangers…hahaha…but yes, trying to stay indoors as much as possible…:)


  3. Everytime I see a post about snow by one of you “tropical” people, it makes me laugh. I wish I had the same love, affection and excitement for snow that you guys do, but unfortunately growing up in Canada, there was entirely too much of it….and believe me, it gets old fast. Especially when you have to move a foot of it off your car every morning, in -20 degree weather! 😉 BTW…it ALREADY snowed at my parent’s house in Calgary, trees down, electricity out…gah!!!!


  4. I had so much fun during winter when I was a kid. Growing up in Canada, we were always so excited about ‘snow days’ (days that it snowed so much that we didn’t need to go to school) because there was enough of the white, powdery stuff to play in for hours.

    I love your pictures and I can understand why it must have been so much fun for you. BTW, good job making the snowman (if you did)!


  5. Hahaha snow also means playtime for me but I don’t think I’ve ever been alone for it…I guess now I know I should always bring company.

    It still looks like you had lots of fun though!


    • Oh yes, I did – even when I was alone but I would have spent longer playing with snow if I had company then! Haha…:)

      Haven’t seen (or read) from you much lately…no news means good news for the job search? 🙂


      • I know, I’ve been a bit absent but YES! Not only did I find a job, I found two!! And I’m doing some freelancing on the side so I’ve been super busy but also very happy to not be unemployed anymore 🙂


  6. hahaha Im a bit like you Sha… living my entire life in Brazil made me really happy to live in a place where snow is normal! First it was Canada, then Switzerland, now Germany… I have to be honest that in Canada I got a bit sick of it, way too much and for 6 months 😦 but here in Germany is fun, only a few time during winter, I like it… though on the streets things can get very disgusting when the snow is melting! Anyways… I love play in the snow with my dog 😀


  7. I have never been in deep snow! In Northern California there was always opportunities within driving distance, but I hate being cold. I like your snowman. and sometimes being alone is better than being with someone you can’t have fun with right? 🙂


    • Lol! That’s a good perspective. …there are people who cannot really have fun with it…ok…now I don’t feel so bad…haha…but yes, I have to confess that I borrowed that snowman when I was there…:)


    • Lol! Yes, my snowman has been stealing the limelight although I have to confess that I borrowed it when I was there..haha…but yes! I totally get the novelty of it…especially after having to deal with the weather here….haha…:)

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  8. What a coincidence. I was just thinking of pulling out a fun in the snow photo for my weekly series. Nope… no fun for me, being in the snow alone. But give me someone to chuck a snowball at and I’m happy 🙂


  9. Totally understand how you felt about first snow was shared with my students fellows in who also came from tropical countries. It was such a joy 🙂 so my opt would be with friends and or my dog!


    • Oh yes, for us who come from tropical countries, snow is such a fun thing to play with! And yes, totally agree that it’s definitely more fun when played together rather than alone…haha….thanks for reading! 🙂

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  10. Snow is never fun, not alone or in a group. This is the truth I learned living seven years in finland where over night so much snow could fall that I wouldn’t find my car anymore. Even though I am not coming from any tropical country, in my hometown snow is limited usually to a couple of dentime a year and that is really enough for me, at least there is no more digging out the car in the morning for me


    • Hahaha, I come from a very hot and humid place too! Snow is never a factor here which is why I loved playing with snow when I get to do so. Although now that you get to experience snow while living there, you may eventually get sick of it..or at least, that’s what I’ve been told! Hehe…😄


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