How to Spend 24 Hours in Wellington, NZ

Wellington was a very bittersweet visit for me as it started off a countdown to my last few days in New Zealand. Crossing over on the ferry from Picton to Wellington, I arrived with mixed feelings. The gloomy weather did not help my low mood when I arrived either. Yet I was determined not to waste the precious time left in the country and set off to explore as much of Wellington as I could. Since I wasn’t going to have much time in Wellington, I booked a night bus to Auckland so that I would have a little bit more time to explore the city the next morning. For those with a similar time constraint, these are some of my recommendations to enjoy this city in the shortest time.

Ferry to Wellington from Picton

Taking the ferry from Picton to Wellington, heading out to the open sea

Cable Car & Museum

What better way to enjoy Wellington than to have a good view of the city from the top. I did not have time to hike up Mt Victoria so I chose to go up using the cable car instead. The queue that morning was quite long but it didn’t take me too long to get through to get to the top. While the ride up on the cable car did remind me a lot of a similar ride in Hong Kong, the museum at the top made it extra special as I was able to appreciate the history of the cable cars better. It was a small museum but it was still full of interesting facts and information about the cable cars’ past.

View of Wellington from Cable Car

Taking the cable car to the top for a view of Wellington

Botanic Gardens

This may sound like a simple visit but I assure you the garden was not a bore. It was a relatively easy walk amongst nature, surrounded by the sounds of the birds and different types of trees all around me. It was very refreshing and allowed me some time to recharge with all the different greenery everywhere. It was also easier to go downhill rather than take the cable car down so I was grateful I did not have to exert much more energy to climb uphill instead. I did wish I had time to visit the observatory though for a different kind of exploration.

Wellington Botanic Garden, New Zealand

It’s a downhill walk through the Botanic Garden from the cable car station.

Te Papa Museum

This was a huge museum. The museum was an extensive collection of exhibitions that goes from Maori history, New Zealand history, geological exhibitions, natural world, art collections and so much more. I went mostly because it was free but it had so much activities in the museum that I couldn’t finish browsing through. I would definitely recommend being selective with the exhibits if you have limited time.

I liked that the museum had a little bit of everything rather than being specialised in one specific subject. The activities were also quite interactive and suitable for all ages so I wasn’t surprised to see that it was popular with visitors. Do check out the small exhibition ‘Quake Braker’ just outside the museum as well. As the museum lies on a major fault, the building was built to withstand earthquakes and this exhibit literally lets you see a small part of their foundation as an example of their innovation.

View of Wellington

View of the city from the waterfront with the museum on the right

Walk around the city and waterfront

Architecture and urban planning always interests me because there’s always some historical element somewhere. It was very fascinating to just walk around the city area to explore and observe the different architecture all around me. I would have gone for a guided walk if I had time but made do with a walk on my own instead. It helped that the weather was gorgeous on that day (lucky for me!) so everything just seemed to look prettier. There were small shops around the waterfront area and some were even in old shipping containers – what a novel idea! I loved the vibe of the city too, it reminded me a lot of Melbourne as there were a mix of older buildings with interesting architecture that was being used commercially.

Wellington, New Zealand

Older buildings amidst modern buildings were an interesting find on my walk around the city.

Visit Cuba Street

I kind of stumbled onto this street as I was walking around. There was free wifi on one of the streets so I happened to just continue walking around. I noticed that some of the shops on this street were different so I realised that this was the popular Cuba Street in downtown Wellington. I took a quick stroll down the street and absolutely loved the individuality and funkiness of some of the shops and cafes. Again, I wish I had more time (as always!) to just sit and watch people but I had a bus to catch. I would just have to come back another time instead.

Cuba Street, Wellington

One of the unique cafes along Cuba Street. Notice that the furniture here are made from recycled was such a unique find.


This is a workshop where the props for the movie Lord of the Rings were made. I had planned to visit this on the same day but I got sidetracked with the other activities. I’ve always enjoyed such studios because seeing the props used in movies are always an eye-opening story. In the end, I decided to forgo this place as I didn’t have too much time left after all that activities. I was also not that much of a fan of the movies either (err, more of a HP fan than a LOTR fan actually). Nevertheless, it’s definitely a unique place that would be worth looking through, especially if you are a big fan of the movie.

Wellington waterfront

Walking along the waterfront in Wellington, the weather was so beautiful on that day.

Enjoy the food!

I was spoilt for choice when I was there! There were so many restaurants and cafes in Wellington that it was hard to decide on my food option. I loved that there was a wide variety of food cuisines available to suit all budget. The street near my hostel  had so much options that I literally walked back and forth trying to decide on dinner. It would be a gastronomical delight for any foodies as I felt that the food scene was just as colorful as in Singapore.

Chow Mein Cube

This fried noodles from Chow Mein Cube was a taste of home while I was in New Zealand.

So that’s it! I’m sure that there are definitely more to Wellington than just these but for someone with a limited time, this would just be scratching the surface. I definitely had a lot of regrets about each place that I visited in Wellington (note the number of times I mentioned I wanted more time here) but time was just not on my side on this trip. Hopefully, my next visit will be just as sunny as it was on that day and I don’t encounter the infamous Wellington weather again (crossed fingers and toes).

How about you? Have you ever visited a place that you wished you had more time? Please do share! 🙂

19 thoughts on “How to Spend 24 Hours in Wellington, NZ

    • Oh it was a full day but I was happy that I got some good weather out of wellington and not their infamous rainy and windy conditions…having good weather helped a lot in my explorations that day..haha


  1. Pingback: How to Spend 24 Hours in Wellington, NZ — Lifetomyfullest – Suman Freelancer

    • Haha oh but I felt that this was just nice for a day’s worth of exploration. I like to take my time so that I can have a breather now and then…:) How about you? Do you do the same?


  2. Haha, I think wherever you go food is a must-experience. I find it funny how some people like to stick with eating familiar foods while they are in a new place. For me, those foods can be on the safe sight and might not upset your stomach. But I also like eating what the locals eat 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    • Opps, sorry for the late reply! Was a little sick so I took a break offline.

      I totally agree that food is a good experience to have when travelling, I’m a picky eater so I’m not the most adventurous person when it comes to food. However, I still like to try some anyway cos food is always an important part of knowing a new culture. 🙂


      • Hope you are better now! Sometimes we need a break from the usual 🙂

        I am probably more picky with food than you. For me, when I’m n the road I always god for hot food just to make sure the food is cooked properly 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

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