I Can Get Awards Too???

So the friendly neighbour dropped by the other day to pass me this:



I feel so welcomed to the community, thanks for the nomination, Shmruti!! Please do check her out, I love reading her travel stories and I’m always envious of her photos!!

It’s been a very long, tiring and extremely tiring week. So please do forgive any fatigue dropped along the way.

So to briefly describe the award, “liebster” meansΒ dearest in German. The award serves to welcome newbie bloggers to the community so basically, Shmruti just gave me a heartwarming welcome to the neighbourhood. Love it! πŸ™‚

There are conditions attached (as expected, with age, comes responsibility):

(a) Thank the blogger who gives it.

(b) Answer the eleven questions s/he asks.

(c) Nominate eleven bloggers with less than 500 followers.

(d) Ask these eleven bloggers eleven questions.

(e) Let these bloggers know that I have nominated them.

So!! Let me kick off my acceptance speech (this is gonna be a loooongg one, I have 5 parts!!!)

(a) Thank the blogger who gives it.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! For letting me know the late nights, zombie workdays are well worth it. Although each time I get a follow, I still wonder why anyone would bother reading my posts. Haha.

(b) Answer the eleven (five in this instance!) questions s/he asks.

1. If I became your real neighbor, what would you want me to serve when you visit me?

You had me at chocolates. Friends for life if it’s an all-you-can-eat-buffet. You’ll be wishing you never served it in the first place cos you are never getting rid of me!!

2. What was your latest nightmare?

I posted about it!! It was about missing my flight, haha. I’ve been too tired since then to scare up any nightmares. Badly needed break coming up!!!

3. Which animal best describes you and why?

Hmm, I’ve always liked the sloth (the animal) since I’m super slow with anything, including procrastinating.

But my character is more like a cat. Pretty common huh, but well, I can be cute, adorable, intelligent, playful but bossy and stubborn when I want to. So, temperamental is more like it. :)…haha.

4. If you had your own unicorn, what would you do with it?

Ride it over the moon….:)

5. Who is your role model?

My mum – she never ceases to amaze me. πŸ™‚

(c) Nominate eleven bloggers with less than 500 followers.

Hmm, this is a bit tough to decide. I read a wide variety of blogs because I like to read but can I nominate less than 11? Let’s just break the rules a little bit here, shall we???

In no particular order (and in no particular relations to my blog) –

My Simple Delights – simple food, simple ingredients that I can imagine myself following, helps that she throws in Singaporean dishes once in a while to whet up my appetite for the day

Go Go GadaboutΒ – I love to read up on her adventures exploring Indonesia, helps that she features the beach a lot since I love the beach!!

Ah, the Country Life – Lovely, humorous posts about, well, everyday life – always have fun reading her stories

Happy Campers BlogΒ – great stories of their adventures around Malaysia and awesome photos, definitely worth checking out

Being EmΒ – she writes about dealing with being adopted and finding her birth family. I like to read her stories because it’s always quite insightful.

Scottish Seaside LivingΒ – Easy read, tips and inspirations. Plus!! She enjoys the beach just as I do. πŸ™‚

Just me and my cameraΒ – another solo traveler!! Emily is also teaching in Thailand and has a pretty awesome photo collection as well

(d) Ask these eleven bloggers eleven questions.Β 

Since I’ve already broken one, let’s break more rules!! I’m going with seven questions!!! Haha….naughty me….

1. Your most memorable travel mishap story.

2. What’s the default present you end up buying when you have no idea what to buy for that person?

3. Mountain, beach or that road that seems to lead to nowhere?

4. First thing you do when you realise you forgot your wallet.

5. One thing that you cannot do without on your travel.

6. Scream out loud. What do you hear?

7. Why do you blog?

(e) Let these bloggers know that I have nominated them.

Knock. Knock. Open the door….Do you hear me calling??Β 

I wish I can answer my own questions, hahaha. I hope I don’t get into trouble for ignoring the rules. Please do follow the rules guys, ignore me!!

Lastly, to everyone reading,


For even reading till this far. πŸ˜‰

14 thoughts on “I Can Get Awards Too???

    • Aww…thanks!!! I love answering more questions….I’ll run through it tomorrow…its 2.40am now…gonna have a good night sleep first….;)


    • Oh so you know of sloths??!! I used to watch them in the zoo and mention to my brother that they are so me because they move so very slowly!!! Hahaha!!!


  1. I responded to your earlier note, but I wanted to just say here CONGRATULATIONS on your Liebster Award! So deserved. Your blog is wonderful. Thank you also for the nomination. I am touched and humbled.


  2. Thank you so so much Sha, this was unexpected and your words are so kind and thoughtful! I will make sure to respond soon πŸ™‚ keeo up the writing as I love following you stories too!


  3. I am missing out on a lot of your posts lately and can’t believe I’m just seeing this 😦 Anyways thanks a lot for your sweet answers and yes lots n lotsa chocolates for you if I become your neighbour πŸ˜‰


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