A Fresh Start for 2018

2017 has been a year of changes and adjustments for me. I returned from a long overseas trip in New Zealand in January, got diagnosed with hyperthyroidism in April and started a new job in May. I think these are big life moments, having to cope with a chronic illness while adjusting to a new work environment. I’ve got to confess that I struggled a lot and I do still struggle sometimes. I’ve gotten much better but I do still have my bad days. Hence, this post is a reminder to myself for the new year.

Seoul Sky Tower

View of Seoul from the 118th floor of Lotte Tower. Sunset was definitely different from way up high.

So let’s start 2018 on a more positive note.

I want to focus on being healthier, mentally and physically. I haven’t been prioritising my health because there were difficult days adjusting to a new work environment. I need to learn to focus, de-stress and adjust to my new normal instead. Being on medication for the long term is a process of adjustment so I am currently working on improving my expectations.

I have also decided to slow down my travel this year. I’ve travelled 3 times since I was diagnosed. Unfortunately, I didn’t manage my expectations with my condition so my travel experience could have been better. This year, I will be a little bit more cautious with my travel planning instead. At least I get to save the money instead, yay!

Seoul Sky Tower

Hoping to be a bit more courageous like this, being 118 floors up high.

I also want to be more consistent with my writing this year. My writing is usually affected by my mood so my lack of posts are sometimes (not always) because I couldn’t get myself out of my rut, to put it simply. I shall try to work this out on my own because there are a lot of travel that I have yet to write about. I’ll probably mix up my travel stories for a bit of variety. More importantly, I shall try to stop overthinking and just keep posting instead.

Honestly, medication has improved my condition a lot at the moment but it’s still a long road for me. As hyperthyroidism affects hormones, I do have good and bad days. Like I said, I will have to learn to cope with the new normal instead because it may never be the normal that I’m used to before. That will be my goal for 2018.

On that note, I’m grateful and really thankful to everyone who have been reading my posts all this while. I really enjoy and appreciate your comments on my posts so I’m sorry if I may be late replying sometimes.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAHope that you had a good start to 2018! :)

29 thoughts on “A Fresh Start for 2018

  1. happy new year, Sha and I hope 2018 is great for you.
    and also hope you manage the health stuff – sounds like it is going okay – but I know how that can trickle into every area – and like you said – impact your travel.

    oh and I love your photos – the looking down with your shoes and then the first one – Seoul at night – really cool

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yeah, I have to start focusing on health even if I can’t travel much yet…the photo was very unnerving to take but I was distracted by the sunset so I could focus on taking photos of that instead of thinking of the glass below my feet…hope you have been well and the new year have been good to you! 😄😄

      Liked by 1 person

  2. So sorry to hear about your condition! Sounds like you managed it well through your travels, and maybe it will get better this year. I also write depending on my mood. If I don’t feel it, I don’t force it…and maybe it explains why I’m taking forever to write my book 😂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh if only you know what happened during my travels…haha but thanks for the kind words 😊 it’s hard to feel disassociated from a lot of things even my beloved travel but it is what it is…and I wish I can just take my time with my posts but I have to push myself sometimes.. otherwise, I tend to overthink too much and it ends up not getting posted…this post, for example, took me a week to hit publish despite writing it early…haha…oh a book sounds interesting! hopefully there will be something to inspire you, I find that that’s the best trigger for me to start writing and sometimes when you are in the zone, words just somehow get written…hopefully words will appear by magic for you…hehehe 😁


      • Lol, you can certainly take your time to post 😀 I take about 2, 3 weeks to actually write and schedule one post. So you are doing way much better than me. I’m sure in time you might feel inspired to share with us the challenges of your travels and I am sure looking back at it, you will realise how strong you were, and still are 😀

        Liked by 1 person

      • Hahaha, I guess that’s one way of seeing it, thanks for the kind words too, I’m getting so much positive vibes here that I’m feeling pretty good nowadays so really appreciate your comments! 🙂

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    • New Year, New Me…hehehe….yeah, I was having a pity party when I was there but I hope that my travels would be better managed next time I get moving…haha…I’m taking it one day at a time at the moment. And yes! Hopefully we will meet again still, was awesome to chat in person again. I still think back to that time and wish I could eat more of the dakgalbi…hehe


    • Haha, thanks for the kind words! I’m taking it one day at a time for now… 🙂
      And yes! We did meet..and she convinced me to visit the tower because I wasn’t keen on paying that much to go up initially…but since we were in the area and the weather was great on that day, it turned out to be perfect to watch the sunset. Seoul definitely looked very fascinating that high up…:)

      Liked by 1 person

    • Oh thanks for thinking so! Always lovely to know someone enjoyed reading them. 🙂 I’m having so much positive vibes now that I will try to keep to it…one day at a time! Hope you had a great start to 2018! 🙂


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