Why I’m Going to Love 2015

Hello everyone!

Alone in Perth

A little late to the start of the year but work saps out a lot of energy and brain cells it would seem. My brains totally got shutdown and my thoughts just dried up so I took a little break to get myself re-calibrated.

But it’s never too late to start off with my resolutions because it’s just the 3rd week of the new year.

So 2014 was a HUGE learning curve for me – at work, in life and online.

But you know what? I’ve decided that 2015 is going to rock on even more.

Here’s why:

I decide to step out of my house.

Okay, not literally but figuratively. I’m turning 30 this year and it’s time to start my new age with getting to know my own country.  I have had quite a few inquiry about visiting Singapore and I realise that there are so many more places that deserves to be showcased than the usual tourist spots. I also have more travel plans in place that I am excited to think about too so there’s going to be plenty of adventures to keep my occupied for this year.  🙂

I shall conquer social media.

Not in working to get my numbers up but to engage with those that do subscribe to me. I tried to follow many others and got exhausted trying to juggle work and toggling between the many platforms that everyone seems to be on. I shall endeavor to get to know them instead because that’s how I am. Quality over quantity is my goal. Because it makes me happier that way.

I shall endeavor to be consistent.

I will be the first to admit that I lack focus. I get distracted and bored easily and leave things half done when something else catches my attention.  It’s my weakness because it wrecks havoc on my work sometimes and in my life. But I get it. There must be hard work done to reap rewards. I’m doing this on my phone, for example. No excuses to me…>.<

I shall work on enjoying life to the fullest.

I will admit. Work has and will get harder this year as my workload has doubled due to a new portfolio. Even so, there will never be an end to work and so, it is important to work out a balance so that I can still have enjoy a life for myself.  I’ve had a few months to work out my balance and I am determined to make it work this year. Turning 30 totally has nothing to do with it (shhhhh!).

Lastly, to all friends here whom I have missed, I will get to catching up soon!


27 thoughts on “Why I’m Going to Love 2015

  1. Wish you the best to achieve your goals 🙂

    it is never easy to try to achieve everything you aim for however in case you get at least over half of the things done it is already an achievement itself. For me not everything always works out so I do not even aim for anything special besides staying healthy


    • Lol…true…small steps first..I’ve begun that this year…small steps..haha…I totally get you about broken resolutions. ..I’ve had so many over the years but keeping it simple is good too…good luck for that this year! 😄

      Liked by 1 person

    • Happy New Year! Yeah, it was tough for a while deciding between sleep and rest and this but I took a little break to try to make it work…I miss doing this! 😄
      And that idea sounds awesome! I was already planning something like that but I can totally go with that idea..haha…thanks! 😉 Shall look forward to yours too…then I’ll have more places to visit next time..haha..😄

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Awwwwn so sweet! I have been missing your posts lately, but I love to be connected with you on Instagram 😀 you always make me laugh!!
    I hope 2015 will be an amazing year for you, I do hope you can manage your time between work and travel… and of course your blog 😀
    hugs from Germany!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Pingback: Being Positive and Changing Expectations for 2015 | Lifetomyfullest

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